Thursday, August 27, 2020

Reasons for Devotion to Hindu Goddesses

Explanations behind dedication to Hindu goddesses Hinduism depicts female eternality in a more lifted up route than most different religions do. In spite of the fact that Hindu goddesses are typically delineated as consorts, spouses or allies to a Hindu god, cases exist in which they are revered autonomously; Tantrism for instance, where it is accepted that ladies forces more profound force than men, along these lines men can accomplish heavenly nature through association with a lady (â€Å"Tantrism†).Most towns fortify the mother part of goddesses and love them independently as their defender, viewing them as having begun in the zone and in this way being attached to the wellbeing and success of the town (Caldwell). Other people who may dedicate themselves to a goddess may be so as to overcome or prosper in a specific territory, similar to how somebody who wishes to accomplish higher intelligence would laud Sarasvati, goddess related with learning. Numerous researchers questi on the starting points of goddess love, and it is contended that they most presumably developed in the Indus Valley progress (2500-1500 B. C.E). The human advancement, depending mostly on horticulture, likely loved female earth divinities that spoke to fruitfulness, recovery, life and demise, to help in their harvests (Erndl 19). Scenes delineated in their seals additionally highlighted the way that the Indus Valley individuals were maybe â€Å"goddess-revering† (McDermott 3608). A few people have raised the purpose of women's liberation as a thought of responsibility to a Hindu goddess, as goddesses that seem solid and autonomous exist in Hinduism, which is practically concealed in other noticeable religions. A well known inquiry is then raised, â€Å"Is the Goddess a Feminist? Rita Gross recognizes the trouble of a solid response to the inquiry, and reacts with a ‘It depends’. She suggests that the appropriate response lies in the meaning of women's activist t hat the individual may have, and how the Goddess’s aficionados are. The thought is sufficiently basic; on the off chance that the adherent is women's activist, at that point they will adore their goddess as though they were women's activist also. On the off chance that the devotee isn't women's activist, at that point they will revere their goddess as though they were not women's activist. She expresses that â€Å". . . divine beings and goddesses are made by aficionados . . . † (104).Gross’s articulation sounds accurate, particularly when we look at a great part of the disarray covering Kali. Kali is quite often portrayed as having dark skin, a close to exposed body, since a long time ago, rumpled hair and a long, lolling tongue. She wears horrendous decorations like a jewelry produced using human heads, and her teeth are long and for the most part trickling with blood. Her representations are predominantly scary, causing her to show up wild and wild about ceas elessly. She is, be that as it may, a well known god to adore in Tantrism, and is worshipped as the most elevated god, above Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.Millions see her as Mother, and try to conquer the dread of death through encounter. Kali’s causes are accepted to have their underlying foundations in South Asia, where she was evidently adored through customs and blood penances. O’Flaherty recognizes a figure, a demoness, in early Sanskrit writing called Long-Tongue, who he focuses to possibly being an increasingly old type of Kali. The first run through the name Kali shows up in quite a while is in Mundaka Upanisad, be that as it may, not as a goddess yet as a tonguelike fire of conciliatory fire.The first notice of a goddess with a similar name is in the Mahabharata, who shows up in the fantasies of warriors to give them an admonition of death. In any case, it is through her later appearances in the Devimahatmya that Kali is brought nearer into Hindu religion (Kripal 156). She is said to have grown when Durga, incensed by the asuras who pointed their weapons at her, transformed into an inky dark shading on her brow and request Kali. Kali at that point continues to kill all the asuras in an excited way, later contribution the leaders of their pioneers Chanda and Munda to Durga.Her second appearance is in the follow section, where she fights Raktabija, and guarantees accomplishment by sucking the entirety of his blood so he was unable to recreate any longer, per Durga’s order, while she killed him (â€Å"Devimahatmya† ch. 7-8). Another legend attaches Kali with Parvati, recounting a multitude of evil presences that compromises the wellbeing of the world. Men can't kill them, thus Shiva requires his significant other to help them in fight. Parvati acknowledges the obligation, gulping the toxic substance put away in Shiva’s throat and transforming into Kali.However, she turns out to be excessively tanked with the toxic substance and, in the wake of overcoming all the devils, takes steps to devastate the world herself with her crazy move. While trying to stifle his significant other, Shiva at that point lays on the floor before Kali, who in her incoherent state doesn't see his essence and steps on him. Disgraced that she had demonstrated such dishonorable conduct, she stays quiet in embarrassment. The last scene of the above story is outlined in a great deal of symbolism, and keeping in mind that the story itself has a ton of varieties, numerous Hindus will show up at the equivalent resolution.It is in this discernment that numerous logical inconsistencies lie. Another inquiry rises, â€Å"What does Kali’s tongue-gnawing truly mean? † Most Hindus will guarantee that it is to show disgrace, which is the thing that the activity implies in Bengali culture, anyway the importance behind the activity may appear to be far-fetched since Kali, who was already deciphered as continually being wild and un dermining, that is, donning characteristics that a ‘ideal wife’ ought not groups, was out of nowhere indicating an agreeable nature, embarrassed about having slighted her husband.From a Tantric view, Kali is referenced to be remaining on Shiva since she is taking part in switched sex with him, and â€Å"delighting in the influxes of energy and excitement that stream from such a demonstration. † It is clear that the inclination disgrace is somewhat outlandish given the circumstance referenced. Moreover, a perusing from Mishra of the Tantric perusing proposes that, as Kali moves around frantically, Shiva dozes on the floor before her trying to quiet her and, In her blinded resentment she didn't see him and stepped on his chest.At that second Siva’s penis got erect and entered Kali. Right then and there Kali perceived her significant other and pulled out her tongue in rapture and her displeasure vanished. (Kripal 161) The above represents an entirely unique v iew on the generally known fantasy, and keeping in mind that it may not unquestionably acknowledge or dismiss any view, it moves question on the genuine event of the story. Having clarified the disarray around Kali’s prevalent misconception and infamous tongue, a typical misguided judgment is uncovered which could possibly be the result of ‘believers accepting what they need to believe’.Hinduism, having being molded by a man centric culture, may have started the need to weaken the picture of the incredible and well known goddess Kali into one progressively worthy for its locale. An extra fantasy, recounting how Shiva massacres Kali in a move coordinate and prevails with regards to stifling her, subsequent in her being progressively quiet and more settled, doesn’t signify the remainder of the story around them as Kali is as a general rule portrayed as a spouse that continually incites and energizes troublesome conduct from her better half (Kinsley 122).Howe ver, raising another point by Gross, she specifies, But, over the long haul, in the event that the goddesses’ fans are women's activists, at that point the goddesses will either come to be viewed as women's activists or will be deserted by their women's activist aficionados. (104) It is conceivable to show up to the end from the above expressed that, if the religion an individual follows doesn't fulfill or mirror their own convictions too, they will forsake it; it is basic sense.It ought to be referenced also that Hinduism is, as opposed to a solitary religion, a group of religions that are firmly identified with one another. Thusly, it ought to be conceivable to expect that maybe, the recently referenced opposing fantasies may be an aftereffect of this; that is, a push to attempt to inject one’s own convictions into their religion to make it increasingly worthy to themselves. Looking and investigating the holes and issues in the religion can inform a ton concerning it s believers’ culture and thinking.Having secured Kali’s issue of realities, one can gather that Hindus likely spot incredible significance in right direct of their spouses, and the goddesses in their religion fill in as a model for Hindu ladies to follow on the off chance that they wish to be marry. Models, for example, Parvati and Sarasvati can be referenced, both depicted as perfect, agreeable spouses to their accomplices, filling in as balances. Hindu divine beings and goddesses are once in a while depicted as equivalents, and instead of a couple, they are demonstrated to be male and female partners of the equivalent being.The goddesses are in no way, shape or form powerless and disregarded; they are solid and loved, however their characters rouse extraordinary, unpretentious thoughts into their kin. In any case, regardless of whether something is ‘correct’ or ‘erroneous’ is exceptionally emotional, and keeping in mind that Western women's activists may contend on the fundamentals that a lady must have so as to be wealthy, it isn't the equivalent for Hindu ladies who are the objective of the religion, and for them the Hindu goddesses give them a positive model to follow, and with it, mental solace which is significant (Gross 106).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Can democracy be spread by force

Presentation Typically, popular government is an arrangement of administration where individuals pick their favored government and rulers. This can be practiced through democratic in a free and reasonable mannerism.1Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Can majority rule government be spread forcibly? explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is launched by rights like opportunity of articulation and the right to speak freely of discourse among others. Accordingly, at its center, majority rule government implies a reasonable and legitimate force conveyance in any sort of society. This paper recognizes whether popular government can be spread forcibly. Simultaneously, it contends against the chance of accomplishing majority rule government through powerful systems. It additionally gives pertinent nations and worldwide cases (as guides) to affirm this case. This is a basic arrangement when considered exhaustively in the domains of vote based system and its important advantages. In a majority rule society, an individual has more intensity of overseeing their life as it would be fitting (self decision of articulation). Impressively, there are four fundamental components of democracy.2 Besides a political framework where individuals pick and supplant their legislature through races (which are free and reasonable), individuals likewise take an interest effectively as residents in their city life and governmental issues. Also, the standard of law which applies similarly to each resident ought to be utilized to secure the crucial human privileges of every single resident. Despite the fact that vote based system is quite grasped in many nations of the western world, it has flopped in certain landmasses, for example, Africa, Middle East districts, and somewhat, south Asia. Tribalism, which has its profound roots in these regions, is the significant explanation behind this failure.Advertising Looking for exposition on government? We shoul d check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Considerably, a few endeavors to achieve majority rules system through power have worked in certain nations including Japan and Germany after the World War II. In any case, some strong endeavors have flopped altogether. In reality, most of individuals from these nations would incline toward deciding in favor of a competitor who is an individual from their clan, religion, or faction instead of another person who is a not a part regardless of whether that individual have better administration belief systems. This is exceptionally obvious in nations, for example, Zimbabwe and Iraq. The United States of America is at the front line in spreading democracy.3 But for what reason would it be advisable for them to try to spread popular government? What's more, would democracy be able to be accomplished forcibly? Clearly, constrained vote based system may demolish a general public during its foundation. Subsequen tly, the general public ought to be revamped in the wake of accomplishing the concerned majority rules system as it occurred in the created countries, for example, the Japan and Germany among others. Majority rules system can be spread forcibly somewhat this announcement is valid. For example, the United States of America has propelled a global war on fear, which includes procedures that grasp the system change ideas. This makes new characters which are politically vote based and wins the hearts and psyches of individuals. As an outline, the contribution of the US in both Afghanistan and Iraq was prefaced on the perspective on dispensing with fear and setting up majority rules system. The United States has been effective in battling and spreading vote based system using military, governmental issues, and brain research in practically every single zone that is included around the world.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Can vote based system be spread forcibly? explic itly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Definitely, this nearby association has suggested that the degree of impact by the United States far and wide has been extended. Truth be told, they have misused each globalization gadget like TV broadcasting and web to intensify the degree of its impact. These have been viable in spreading equitable purposeful publicity in many areas of the globe that are administered by autocracies. Moreover, they have made changes in the political mindfulness in help to democratizing. Toward the finish of the Second World War, US played a functioning job to extend and broaden majority rules system in western pieces of Europe. The European incorporation was supported by the United States in setting up and balancing out the majority rules system. NATO was the stronghold inside which West Germany, Spain, Portugal, and Italy got just. The coordinated Europe and the twin NATO establishments together shaped amazing motivating forces for creating majority rules systems of the East European nations to interface with the multilateral foundations of Western Europe toward the finish of the cold war.4 This shows how vote based system spread in the western nations. Be that as it may, note that war is described by the obliteration of economy and demolishing of the entire society. The general public is revamped after the accomplishment of majority rules system as it occurred in the created countries, for example, the Japan and Germany among others as demonstrated before. There are sure issues that plague political endeavors; ordinarily, making a game plan that can defend people’s interests without mistreatment dangers. Various countries around the world have battled with power balance by either utilizing majestic or significantly progressively hopeful plans to think power for administering the world.Advertising Searching for paper on government? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More There has been bunches of discussion locally on how much right the official ought to have. The solid official supporters accept that the most ideal method of protecting harmony is through uncontrolled capacity to debilitate or envision an assault. In any case, the enemies of such sort of a plan trouble that it is probably going to permit the administrators to begin war effectively and would be especially relentless if numerous countries receive it. This situation was attempted to be settled by the organization of George W. Hedge by making the popularity based domain concept.5 America is viewed as basic military force that can implement a quiet request in any piece of the disturbed world. Along these lines, America keeps on keeping unchallengeable military qualities. Consequently, it isn't important to destabilize weapon rivalries of different times and furthermore limits the disputes to exchange just as other harmony compatible. As a matter of fact, the vast majority around the world are awkward with the arrangement of the United States which invites power in the arrangement and duty to freedom.6 Their approach focuses on that opportunity responsibility can and should make a typical reason to counter the foes of opportunity. This an unmistakable sign that if such approaches are not accessible to defend the rights and opportunities of people in the general public - their majority rules system then a large portion of the countries won't permit their kin to practice these rights. Almost certainly, the majority rule establishments of governments won't have the option to impede the maltreatment of intensity utilized in advancing popular government and the utilization of military force will ingrain vote based system in these countries. The shows and fights that cleared the Middle East in the start of the year 2011 is a further outline that in fact vote based system can be spread forcibly. These fights came about to the evacuation of Tunisian president Ben Ali and sho ok Hosni Mubarak’s administration of Egypt. In these nations, it isn't just the world superpowers like the United States that gave an increasingly vocal help to the individuals who requested majority rules system on the Cairo lanes yet in addition the individuals stood firm in calling for change of administration in their nation. In the end, the sort of administration that was described by fascism and the mistreatment of poor people and the hindered in the general public needed to surrender power, sending a solid message to the remainder of the world that if a pioneer sticks to control through defilement and disavowal of majority rule government, finally the person should confront the outcomes. This is one manner by which vote based system has been spread the world over. There is additionally a great deal of contention concerning whether the utilization of power or military activity is legitimate in advancing majority rule government. At times, the activity of military may no t exclusively be basic in encouraging and reestablishing majority rule government yet in addition in closure certain pitiless sort of tyranny. For example, in Rwanda destruction of 1994 is a run of the mill model. The military contribution was entirely reasonable to stop destruction and reestablish harmony in Rwanda. In any case, military mediation ought to be considered if all else fails since a great deal of annihilation of the general public just as financial debasement is related with such intense vote based system. While thinking about other reasonable speculations, popular government is a significant supporter of essential human qualities and ought to be energized everywhere throughout the world. It advances esteems, for example, the privileges of laborers, the right to speak freely of discourse and development. It likewise sets up a situation that is secure and stable for residents of a nation. Also, majority rule government is a worth that guarantees interests all things con sidered and the nation are dealt with and their privileges are secured.7 Governments that advance vote based system are the ones that upgrade harmony, dodge savagery and wars, energize improvement, and supporter for the privileges everything being equal. Vote based system ought to be advanced in the cutting edge world to aid the accomplishment of strength and development for mankind. Its advancement ought to likewise be elevated to empower nations that are recently framed to receive law based standards. Nations that have not executed standards of vote based system ought to be condemned and urged to embrace them. Numerous nations on the planet have received popular government and keep on advancing human rights. There are others still during the time spent executing procedures that will guarantee democracy.8 The development of majority rule government has taken quite a while and there are different techniques that have b

Friday, August 21, 2020

Help With College Essay Writing - Its Not About The Software

Help With College Essay Writing - It's Not About The SoftwareHelp with college essay writing comes in many forms. There are so many writing and editing software packages available that it can be difficult to pick the right one for your needs. Most of the applications offer only minor improvements on the basic level.A program such as this is meant to help college students with essay writing. It does not help with quality and must be used as a tool only when the student is ready to create more complex and difficult papers. So what is the difference between such programs and all the other ones?The most popular programs are designed for maximum flexibility. They come loaded with powerful tools, tools such as auto-correction, punctuation and spell checkers. Auto-correction software will look for typos and spelling errors that are made by the student. The results are automatically entered into the program.There are some programs that allow for a greater amount of flexibility and use of mor e advanced features. But, once you give these programs a try, you may find it much easier to write a paper without being too dependent on the program. As with all things that we use every day, there are also those that are much better than others. This may be a good time to compare a few of the programs to see what will work best for you.Some students may find that it is easier to take notes while they are in class rather than write a paper by hand. The process of taking notes and reading them later will make a student less dependent on the program. Also, those who are preparing for a test may find it easier to focus on their studies without being distracted by the paper that they are required to write.If you have the money to spend, you should find one that can get you instant feedback from your tests and exams. A more expensive program will allow you to use it on all of your college coursework. An even better idea is to choose a program that is not only more affordable but also pr ovides you with additional support as well.Many colleges do not like to use paper-based courses and instead prefer to use online courses or email correspondence classes. This is where a system like the one you are looking at comes in handy. It will allow you to create paper-based assignments and even communicate electronically with your instructor.The point of finding help with college essay writing software is to make your life easier and faster. It is important to find a program that will help with all your college requirements. Remember, some college courses are paper based and require a lot of typing and handwriting; others may require a computer, email, and possibly Skype.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The World Is Your Oyster - 1246 Words

â€Å"The world is your oyster† was my former English substitute teacher favorite quote by Shakespeare. She was a traveler – passing plenteous borders of geographical areas to seek a new job, life, and opportunities. She settled a while and moved the following months to different places based on what her heart yearns for. I remember giving her a Thailand travel guidebook for her farewell gift the day before she left Indonesia to Bangkok. I did not understand the meaning of that phrase, until I took the decision to fly 8367 miles apart from my home country for an educational purpose. Yet, it was one of the cleverest decisions I had ever made in my eighteen-year-old life. I plugged my white tangled earphone on my ears while sitting on the front right aisle row. The melody accompanied me until my eyes closes gently as I heard the plane taking off the ground. I kept on staring at my green covered passport and boarding pass from Taipei to Seattle written in the destination section slipped on the first page. It was my first experience of moving alone to a new city where I did not know a single soul, and it felt somehow wrong. A part of my soul was exhilarated, but a sense of horrifying dread was shoring upon. I jumped out of my seat and locked myself a while in lavatory space. I stared at the person standing reflected in the mirror. She looked anxious, jittery with darker tone bulging under her eyes. â€Å"I am going to be okay†, I told myself softly. I was conflicted with my own fearsShow MoreRelatedSaving Nature S Jewel : A Look Into Restoring The Population Of Eastern Oysters1245 Words   |  5 PagesSAVING NATURE’S JEWEL: A LOOK INTO RESTORING THE POPULATION OF EASTERN OYSTERS IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY STEPHANIE HWANG ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND â€Å"He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.† – Jonathan Swift, Irish Satirist INTRODUCTION Imagine you are sitting on a wooden rocking chair on a balcony overlooking a pristine body of water, slowly swaying back and forth. In the distance, you can see trees border the other shoreline and a small island placed haphazardly in the center of the water. Looking upRead MoreThe Effect Of Ocean Acidification On Some Of The World s Sea Life1113 Words   |  5 Pages(dependent variable). Other Variables are the Time that the oyster shell is in the Hydrochloric Acid and also the original mass of the oyster shells. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Physician Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal Under Certain...

Physician-Assisted Suicide should be legal under certain circumstances Kayanna Johnson Florida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee, Florida, USA The purpose of this paper is examine the use of Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) in certain patients in a bid to support its legalization in all states. In this paper I will argue that the use of PAS in patients who are terminally ill, in non-terminally ill patients who undergo intolerable pain, or in patients who are terminally or non-terminally ill who fear a loss of dignity and control over their body in the end stages of life is permissible. I will first define PAS and VAE and attempt to characterize suicide. I will then concentrate on the different historical views of PAS over†¦show more content†¦It is these same increases that have generated a fear for unnecessarily prolonged, costly, painful, and, undignified deaths. The fear of this unnecessarily long process has led to the increase in calls for legalization of PAS from patients who are not willing to undergo such a process. With PAS being illegal in most states and the recent shift in medicine to a focus on patient autonomy the question must be asked, â€Å"Should PAS be legalized?† The opponents of PAS make many interesting points, some of which will be discussed, but I will propose arguments to these objections in order to show that PAS should be legalized in certain situations. Definition of PAS and VAE PAS is the physician’s act of providing a patient with the medical means necessary for suicide (Bernat, Gert, and Mogielnicki, 1993). PAS requires for the physician to assent to a competent patient’s rational request for the necessary medical means for committing suicide. In this case, death is not caused directly by the physician’s actions, but rather indirectly. Therefore, a suicide is termed PAS if the physician’s participation is necessary but insufficient for death. VAE is when the physician agrees to a competent patient’s rational request for the physician to administer the necessary medical means to cause death which usually follows immediately after the act. In VAE, the physician is directly causing death, therefore, is killing the patient. Since a death by VAE is a direct result of the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States Faces Excessive Mass Incarceration

The United States faces excessive mass incarceration. We have the largest prison population in the world and the second highest incarceration rate per-capita (1 in 100 citizens is behind bars). While you are certainly familiar with these statistics, I would like to emphasize that using incarceration as the primary response to social problems, as is happening today in the United States, impacts the incarcerated, their families and neighborhoods, as well as costing Maryland taxpayers millions of dollars annually. We must enact policies that downscale the prison population. The best approach is to shift resources away from the incarceration and punishment of certain inmate categories, such as nonviolent drug offenders, investing instead in their rehabilitation. Though correction systems have historically favored punishment over ‘softer’ rehabilitation, most nonviolent, drug-related offenders would benefit more from rehabilitation than incarceration. Today, in great part as a consequence of the War on Drugs, our prisons house over half a million drug offenders, representing over one-half of the federal inmate population in the United States, an increase of 790 percent since 1980. It is time for new leadership on the War on Drugs which has cost billions of dollars and has caused the endangerment of inmates’ and correctional officers’ lives due to mass incarceration. Do we wish to continue being the most punitive developed country in the world? Instead of implementing m andatoryShow MoreRelatedThe Black Disadvantage in the United States1655 Words   |  7 PagesThe Black Disadvantage in the United States Racial profiling, higher risks of incarceration, poverty, unemployment, more student debt; these are just some of the issues that African Americans face in the United States today. The statistical facts show that African Americans Face an uphill battle compared to White Americans. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Top 5 fundamentals of Computer Security

Question: Discuss about the Top 5 fundamentals of Computer Security . Answer: Basic Network Diagram Of Home Network Along With Identification And Labelling Of The Workstations And The Other Devices Description Of The Home Network System The above network diagram is presently in vogue in my home. I have a main server connected to a router which is further connected to an internet service provider. My server is connected to six other devices, laptop of my father which he uses for official purposes, a printer cum scanner, a mobile phone and three other computers used by various people at home either for project making or book reading or simple internet surfing. Whenever anyone wants to log into the laptop or any other computer he or she has to log in the password which authenticates one to start using the device. All the devices have separate passwords and the passcode of the laptop is not known to anyone else but for my father since it has important confidential data stored. If any one of us wants to use it, then it is he who opens the lock of the system. However other computer systems are also protected by a password but the laptop uses a password at the confidential folder also. Only my mobile phone has got the acce ss to the computer system. Anybody cannot access the system. Adequate firewalls are also installed and the anti-viruses are run once a month or if there is a requirement then the same is run as per need. Passwords are not changed frequently. If a security issue is ever felt it is only then that the passwords are changed. Also the passwords of all the systems are different but easy to remember. Steps Of A Trojan Based Attack A Trojan is a malware and not a virus that is often camouflaged in the form of a justifiable software package. It enables the hackers and the other unauthorized entities to enter into the system of other users. Once the virus gets triggered, it gives full access to the hackers to overview and keep a track of whatever is happening in the system network, pilfer the important data and obtain backdoor entry to the entire network (Komando 2013). They are able to perform functions such as deletion, blocking, and copying of information from the hacked system for ones own malicious intents. The said virus disturbs the entire systems performance. Trojans, however cannot reproduce itself automatically (, 2013). An example of one such attack was seen in the year 2011 when the Japanese Government complained of their servers and computers f the Parliament being attacked by Trojan Horse Virus. This happened due to a negligent act of a politician who happened to click on an email attachment which was a spam. The government suspected that it was act by the Chinese who must have got access to important information and passwords within spick of a time till they could log off from the system (Russel, 2011). One such malicious act had occurred in the UK which lead to leakage of the drawing of the revolutionary wind turbine blades by its competitors who were the supposed hackers of the same. This led to a loss to the company as the competitor ended up manufacturing the same at a lower price. Thus the steps to attack using Trojan is very simple. Steps For Minimizing Avenues Of A Trojan Based Attack A Trojan based attack can be avoided or minimized if some careful steps are undertaken. The user has to be very careful before he downloads any file in his system. The origination and the data of the file to be downloaded should be known. Even though the person giving you the file for downloading is a known and a trusted one yet the same should be verified again as it may happen that the person providing with the file is himself unaware of any such malware. If there lies a little bit of a suspicion, the file should be checked such as its headings and what it flashes in the form of an advertisement. Also one can verify the information of a file before downloading it with help of available virus scanners (Lo, 2006). Further one should open up all the concealed extensions of a file before downloading it. This would enable one to know that a file which reads as amy.jpeg is actually amy.jpeg.exe which is a Trojan. Another way to minimize the Trojan based attack is by disabling features which downloads or previews file and folders as a routine affair. This is the most convenient method although yet to be safe from these attacks one should ensure that manual downloading and previewing is done. For example auto DCC get in mIRC is an auto-downloading and previewing feature which should always be kept disabled. One of the most common routes that these Trojan attackers take is by convincing people to open web addresses that they ask for or describe some false benefits about pre-formulated programs which basically are Trojans. Also one common mistake which all users do is that they overtly believe in the anti-virus programs. Users should understand the fact that they are backups which helps basically when something unlawful and harmful has already become a part of your system(Meier 2003). Describe The Approach To Both Workstation/Device And Network Level Security From A Trojan Based Attack The workstations as well as networks all have become prone to security risks with regards data stored and the functions that these workstations and the networks are expected to perform due to too much exposure to the internet. Even though dependence over the internet has increased tremendously over the last few decades yet one cannot afford to compromise with regards the accessibility of the information to any unknown person. A systematic approach has to be followed to ensure that the devices and the network are well protected from such hackers. A network security is more important as many systems are connected to each other and if the hacker enters a network then he can have access to various systems that are linked (Paquet, 2013). The most sought after security approach for any computer system or the networking system is that the system should deploy three important things i.e. maintenance of confidentiality of data, integrity checks , authorization of usage. Who would have access to the companys insight and data which is indispensable in nature should be picked up very carefully. Further it should also ensures that integrity is maintained. Users who are permitted to access and change sensitive data and information do not misuse their rights. It is very crucial that information of an organization is divided according to its importance. Data which should be secured should be stored and accessed only by those who are highly trusted. The custody of the data should be given as per its importance. This way it is easy for the organizations to fix responsibility in case of any mishaps. Data should be classified into various types and depending on the same security levels should imbibed into the system (, 2012). Data that is not of much importance, little or no effort is required for protecting the same from the Trojan attackers. Some data have restricted approach and if it falls into unwanted hands may have unruly impact upon the organization Some data are classified as confidential and some as secret in nature. The later requires greater security as its leakage may lead to graver damage as compared to the former. Further the number of people who get access to secret information is much less than the former. Another high level security is required for data which is termed as top-secret data. Companies even go to the extent of spending money so as to ensure its secrecy and security is maintained. Another form of classification of approach for ensuring security from the Trojan attackers are administrative and technical. Administrative policy for security maintenance of data is basically policy driven. The hackers may be a part of the organization as an employee and one would be unaware of the same. Thus adequate checks should be done of people before hiring them and also regular checks of hired employees should also be in place. Role change and transfers should be a part of the policy so as to understand if there is any loop holes. Trojan is nothing but a technology and to fight it successfully technology is the best solution. A full proof technical control system should be inculcated into a companys security program. The controls imbibed should be strong enough for safeguarding the information from the possible hackers. Some famous security controls are firewalls, intrusion prevention system, smart cards and biometric authentication devices. Thus these help to secure both single workstations as well as entire network (Daly 2009). The Three Security Problems The three security problem with regards workstations and the networks are : Web Cookies: The web cookies do not carry viruses and Trojans however if the cookies are not deleted and kept open then hackers or unauthorized users may have access to saved password sessions which may be harmful. This leads to very critical privacy issue (Bhardwaj Singh, 2011). Host sharing: This is one of the easiest ways for the Trojan attackers to get into your network system. Business houses who have a website of their own and that website is connected to the internal server or the host server is prone information security risks. Each site has a dedicated space in the server and unknowingly the Trojan may also take a space to reside and then attack over the confidential and the secret data. Outdated server applications: Business houses should update their servers and applications on a timely basis as the system hackers continuously keep on developing new hacks so as to disrupt the systems and networks and derive valuable information from the system thus harming the users. Thus the business house who simply rely on their old system without updating it on a regular basis are prone to such security issues (Pierce, 2012). Measures To Counter These Security Problems Web cookies should be encrypted on a regular basis and should have a preset time for expiry of these web cookies. The administrator should put in a rule in place that the every time a crucial information is being accessed by the authorized users they are to login and re-login. This provides better safety to the data. In the case of host sharing problem the website of a business house should not be linked to the host server. The accessibility of the host server should be limited as the important data is always stored here. The third security problem can be easily resolved if the administrator keeps oneself updated with the existing and the probable host malwares which may affect the system and ensure that programs updating applications are run from time to time (Eckel, 2009). Protection- PREVENTION DETECTION + RESPONSE Security Software Audit logs Scans the data and takes backups Anti-spyware programs Trojan infections are detected Anti spyware programs which are purchased help to remove these infection Auto run should be disabled Automatic installation of unwanted files Microsoft recommends how to disable the auto download facility Awareness with regards the spam mails Spam mails should be reported Deletion of spam mails Security Principle Essential For Maintaining Security Of Home Network Against Trojan One of the most sought after security principle which is most essential for maintaining security of home network against Trojan malware is to secure the VPN of your home network. For ensuring that the VPN is secured one of the most common ways adopted by network users are encryption of data and verification of self. An easy accessible network is more prone to Trojan malware. So as to ensure that the same is prevented timely review of the encrypted data on the server and the VPN software should be done. Usage of a firewall will also be helpful in separating the VPN network from others (Berry 2012). Summary Of Approach Adopted For Solving The Problem Of Home Network From The Attack Of Trojan On understanding the said malware in detail I have understood that the same could be countered by ensuring that the data accessibility of the network at home should be secured by a password which is very strong. Further the same should be changed on a timely basis so that the hacker finds it difficult to get inside the network. The VPN system should be verified and checked regularly by technicians who are expert and trusted professionals. Further timely backup of data and updation of application software on a continuous basis should be made a part of the system. The users should be educated with regards the spam mails and the fact that they should not entertain any of it as it may lead to destruction of the entire system in place. Important data should be protected by passwords and accessibility of the same should be permitted only via repeated logins by each new user. Updated firewalls and anti viruses should be in place too so as to secure the system from the problem of Trojan attackers. Summarization Of What Is Learnt On summarizing the entire write up I have learnt that to ensure that ones important data is not misused, adequate security walls should be instilled into the home network as well. Hackers can hack not only networks of organizations but also ones personal network installed in ones house. Trojan is found to be more dangerous than any other malware because of its nature to behave as a legitimate software program. This malware can easily disinfect ones network if not made aware of. Further emails should also be checked and viewed very carefully. Auto runs though may seem to be an easy way out yet these should be disabled at the earliest. Last but not the least, trying to save cost on installing anti-virus may lead to incurring a heftier loss for me, thus I have learnt that anti-virus ad firewalls should be made a part of my home network at the earliest and it should be updated regularly and not occasionally. References Berry, M., 2012, Network Security: Top 5 fundamentals, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016, Bhardwaj, M., Singh, G.P., 2011, Types of Hacking and their counter measure, International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, vol. 1, no.1, pp. 43-53 Daly, C., 2009, Netwrok Security Threats and Solutions, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016, Eckel, E., 2009, 10 ways to avoid viruses and spyware, viewed on 03rs Aug 2016,, 2012, Chapter 18: Threats, Attacks, Hackers Crackers, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016, Komando, K., 2013, 5 ways hackers attack you (and how to counter them), viewed on 03rd Aug 2016, Lo, J., 2006, Trojan Horse Attacks, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016, Meier, J.D., Mackman, A., Vasireddy, S., Dunner, M., Escamilla, R., Murukan, A., 2003, Chapter 2: Threats and countermeasures, Improving Web Application Security : Threats and Counter measures, Microsoft Corporation Paquet, C., 2013, Network Security Concepts and Policies, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016, Pierce, T., 2012, 5 Network Security Issues and Solutions, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016, Russel, J., 2011, Japanese Government hit by Chinese Trojan Horse attack, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016,, 2013, Trojans and other security threats, viewed on 03rd Aug 2016,